We need apt-get for windows
Yes. That's what we need. One-click installation of free software for everyone.
No more excuses not to install software different from the one installed by default.
And once people get hook, they will never go back to pirated software. Well...Maybe.
Examples of cool free software: OpenOffice, Mozilla, GIMP, Sodipodi, DIA, Gaim, FileZilla, MPLayer (or MediaPLayerClassic or VLC), etc.
And for people without broadband access a CDROM would be nice too.
Sing with me: Debian GNU/Windows !
No more excuses not to install software different from the one installed by default.
And once people get hook, they will never go back to pirated software. Well...Maybe.
Examples of cool free software: OpenOffice, Mozilla, GIMP, Sodipodi, DIA, Gaim, FileZilla, MPLayer (or MediaPLayerClassic or VLC), etc.
And for people without broadband access a CDROM would be nice too.
Sing with me: Debian GNU/Windows !
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